Something for everyone

Reach your potential with the Professional Speech and Debate Association


Whether you're drawn to the compelling narratives of Interpretation or the structured arguments of debate, there's an event that suits your style and passion.


Dive into the world of storytelling and dramatic performance. Interpretation events encompass a variety of captivating genres, including Dramatic Interpretation, Humorous Interpretation, Poetry Interpretation, and Program Oral Interpretation. Participants bring literary works to life, showcasing their acting and expressive abilities.

Public Address:

Make your voice heard on matters of public significance. Public Address events, such as Original Oratory and Persuasive Speaking, empower participants to address and persuade an audience on compelling topics. Engage with your audience, convey your ideas persuasively, and leave a lasting impact.


Test your ability to think on your feet. Impromptu challenges participants to deliver coherent and compelling speeches with minimal preparation time. It's a showcase of quick thinking, adaptability, and effective communication under pressure.

SPAR Debate:

Step into the world of Spontaneous Argumentation (SPAR) where participants engage in dynamic, impromptu debates. Quick thinking, persuasive skills, and strategic argumentation take center stage in this thrilling debate format.

IPDA Debate:

Experience the unique format of the International Public Debate Association (IPDA). Participants engage in one-on-one debates on topics ranging from current affairs to philosophical questions, showcasing their argumentative prowess and critical thinking.

Public Forum Debate:

Delve into collaborative debate with Public Forum Debate. This team event explores contemporary issues, encouraging participants to present and defend their positions in a format accessible to a non-specialist audience.

Lincoln Douglas Debate:

Engage in philosophical discourse in Lincoln Douglas (LD) Debate. This one-on-one format challenges participants to explore ethical questions, values, and principles, showcasing their ability to construct reasoned arguments.


Participate in a simulated legislative assembly. Congress events allow participants to enact the roles of legislators, debating bills and resolutions on a range of issues. It's an opportunity to engage in parliamentary-style debate and refine legislative skills.

In each division, we offer both open and novice sections for all events. This means that if you're a beginner, you can enter the novice section and compete against other newcomers to the field. As you gain more experience and improve your skills, you can move up to the open section and compete against more experienced competitors.

Only the open professional division is eligible for cash prizes. This allows us to provide a challenging and rewarding experience for all of our competitors.